Am finding difficult to pass this test

Below is my code for Updating the Height of an Element Dynamically::

>   .bar {
>     width: 25px;
>     height: 100px;
 >     margin: 2px;
>     display: inline-block;
>     background-color: blue;
>   }
> </style>
> <body>
>   <script>
>     const dataset = [12, 31, 22, 17, 25, 18, 29, 14, 9];    
>       .data(dataset)
>       .enter()
>       .append("div")
>       .attr("class", "bar")
>       // Add your code below this line      
>       .style("height",(d) => d + "px");     
>       // Add your code above this line
>   </script>
>  </body>

But i seems to be having this error::

The first div should have a height of 12 pixels.

The second div should have a height of 31 pixels.

The third div should have a height of 22 pixels.

The fourth div should have a height of 17 pixels.

The sixth div should have a height of 18 pixels.

The seventh div should have a height of 29 pixels.

The eighth div should have a height of 14 pixels.

The ninth div should have a height of 9 pixels

please what could be the problem