Compare Scopes of the var and let Keywords 2

Tell us what’s happening:
hello i have a little issue of understanding the difference between let and var. So before completing this challenge i quietly didn’t understand that lesson

Your code so far

function checkScope() {
"use strict";
  var i = "function scope";
  if (true) {
    i = "block scope";
    console.log("Block scope i is: ", i);
  console.log("Function scope i is: ", i);
  return i;

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Link to the challenge:

function checkScope() {
"use strict";
  var i = "function scope"; // this is scoped to checkScope
  if (true) {
    i = "block scope"; // right now, this is changing the value of `i` from
                       // line 3 because that's the currently active `i` 
                       // variable _but_ because the `if` has a block scope 
                       // (and that's because of its curly braces `{}`)
                       // you can actually create an entirely new variable 
                       // `i`.  But you can't do so with the keyword `var`.
                       // However, the text of this exercise introduces a 
                       // different keyword to declare a variable, and that 
                       // keyword will let you create a completely new `i` 
                       // in the block scope of this `if`
    console.log("Block scope i is: ", i);
  console.log("Function scope i is: ", i);
  return i;

ok i see now thanks metasean

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