Survey project for you to peruse

Just got this one passed! welcome any feedback.

Continuing the discussion from freeCodeCamp Challenge Guide: Build a Survey Form:

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Hi, great work on the form! I actually am trying to run the tests but i get an error stating that #mocha div is missing. When I added a div with “mocha” as its id, none of the tests run. Can you please have a look : Thanks !

@Attyuttam, it would be better for you to open your own topic with your own question. Your question doesn’t relate to the OP’s topic.

That being said, this is a problem that it seems many people here have had. If you search the forum for “mocha div missing” you will find many posts and many solutions. One of them is that you have to add to the list of allowed third-party website cookies.
If you have further problems, please open a new topic.

My editor is a little squirrelly right now but its not passing any of the tests.

plz someone review my survay form; I am a complete beginner

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@balotakar0202, please open your own topic in the #project-feedback subforum