Truly disliking React but want to complete the course

This was me, nearly three years ago:

I am now a professional web dev that was hired ostensibly for my React skills.

But I HATED React for ages! It took me a long time to figure out how state and props were passed between components, and I had to pick up Redux on the job while diving into a complicated codebase.

But once it clicks, it’s really a joy to work with. I’ve toyed with the idea of building a side project or two in Vue, which is seemingly easier, but I really just enjoy React so much it’s my go to front end tool for everything.

However, had you told me I’d be an employed React dev 3 years ago and would end up singing its praises, I’d have laughed in your face (or cried).

Stick with it, if only for the sense of completion, but I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t grow on you eventually.