Hello everyone, I am thinking to connect with some people here and do 100dayscode challenge together on twitter. Also, it will really help to connect, work together on similar goals to people like who doesn’t have any friends who does coding. I am going to do it anyway, but I thought it will be great if I can do it with people from this community!! As I feel discussing things we do everyday will be encouraging and we can make friends. Free code camp forum is such a good place to share but I think we don’t have to use it for minor discussions and help people here who are really in need of help. 100daysofcode is just for motivation and we can set our own daily goals and share what we have learned daily with each other. Let me know if anyone is interested and wants more motivation. This is the website http://100daysofcode.com/.
I am interested in this–I actually just made the decision to start this. Am kind of going through the prep work over on Viking Code School, but am planning on spending a good amount of time with Free Code Camp as well (perhaps primarily, if it ends up being a good fit for me.) Feel free to add me on Twitter, username is @eerieorchard.
heyy, that is great. We can start from the first day and commit to it. I have seen they are very good too like here. And we start doing it from tomorrow. So if anyone would like to join from today they can take part it. We will also be able to finish 100 days together. It will be a great journey together. I am @iamlexieonearth on twitter and have followed you. I have already done some css and html. But this is about our own learning and we post about it. So even if someone is ahead of us or behind is no problem.
I was originally gonna do 100 days of code but then I lost track and I think I’m on 70th-80th day while following p1xt guide and tweaking 75% of it to suit my learning potential. But I’m up for coding buddy although english is not my native language.
Yes, I am following P1xt guide too. But I am only in the beginning stage, with YDKJS second book now. I think if you are at intermediate level, it is better you code with someone that level. But if you want to set your own daily goals and try 100 days of code, it will be great. You English is very good, don’t worry!
Hey guys, would love to join you
I don’t really use twitter though. Are you gonna do any other way of communication? Facebook group or whatever? That’d be great!
great idea i am going to do this …
I dont really consider myself an intermidiate level (I sucked at algorithms, srsly). I can go back to my prev proj and recreate them and it would be cool to hang out with aspiring developers , right? And maybe we all can have a private voice chat on fb, skype or discord ( I prefer discord) .
Let me know when you did, so me and others can join!
if you guys have discord or skype you can add me.
discord: boydjenkins18#2839
skype: boydjenkins18
My twitter is @iamlexieonearth so you guys can follow me and even send me a message if you are doing this challenge. I waited today for some to join but I will start my journey tomorrow. If you guys need more time or something it’s fine. I will be there and you can give me a shout. Itt wil be good motivation for us all.
By the way, if anyone hasn’t read the rules they are this and hope you guys will commit to this. Really looking forward to this now:
- Code minimum an hour every day for the next 100 days.
- Tweet your progress every day using the #100DaysOfCode hashtag.
@boydjenkins18 I found it on Twitter and it seems a very good community too. You can get feedback and get to know more people. So I am afraid it has to be twitter, so even if someone drops out there will be more ahead of us or behind us. Yes, I am dreading algorithms. Have you finished the YDKJS book recommended by p1xt? It is very good.
@canonico1995 I am sorry but if you read the question you can see why I want it to be on Twitter. It will be more reliable.
@supermario19982 Let me know when you are ready, as I said above it will be great toget motivated from others who finish the challenge too.
If twitter works best for you to collaborate I dont mind at all jus let me know when to start. I actually skip the YDKJS, instead I watched the Javascript understanding the weird parts and other advanced js video courses, I mean some important parts of YDKJS can be found on those video courses as well. I cant read for a long period of time and I get easily bored thats why I tweaked the p1xt guide to maximize my learnings while getting the same understanding from p1xt guide and I get to focus more on my projects and implement my current knowledge.
Yes, it is difficult to read for long time at times. But somehow it is fine for me, maybe because I am just starting it!! I need to learn from other sources as well. I will check the videos you are recommending. Has P1xt recommended any css courses? Yes, we can start from tomorrow and you have my twitter.
I am not too sure if p1xt has css guides. I used the teamtreehouse 7 day trial and codecademy when I first started learning html5 and css3 / bootstrap. And you can check out DevTips youtube channel and search for his css3 tutorial.
Hey I’m wanting to join in! I created a twitter just for this. Please follow! I’ll follow you guys back! @immelissaborden Will probably start tonight!
Hey, that is great!! I also created Twitter just for meeting fellow developers and for tech news!! Yes, I don’t know where you are, but though I am coding today I will start my day from tomorrow. Thanks for your twitter will follow you now.
Thank you for the info, will see dev tips… I actually know a bit of here and there. You know how P1xt guide is so thorough I mean, you don’t have to research to find advance level ones. I will try this one http://learn.shayhowe.com/.
Ah I just filled out some basics just now on twitter and here but I’m in NC, USA! Thanks for following and for sharing the challenge! I’m excited to see how this goes!
yes, I am very excited too. It will be good to challenge ourselves and look out for each other.