3rd party responsive design challenge

Hi guys,

Just finished this challenge (time stamped) I really struggled with it but learned a lot along the way.

My attempt - Basically create a responsive page that changed at 990px and 600px and ends with everything in a column for smart phones. I feel like I used a lot of ‘long winded ways’ to do this so would love some advice on what could have been done instead. The centering was also an issue.

I tried adding a bottom border but for some reason it looked messy and didn’t stretch the entire way. Ideally I’d like to add some hover elements but I’ll leave it as is.


A. James Liptak created the challenge.

Seems fine, but you do have more CSS than you need, I’d also suggest you combine the media queries.

You can always look at the final code and compare your code with it.

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Thank you, I somehow missed the final code. Will go over it.

I really did go around the houses!