"5. The projects section should contain at least one link to a project."

please help me user story number 5 ,i cant pass it and i dont know whats wrong !

  1. The projects section should contain at least one link to a project.
    expected 0 to be above 0
    AssertionError: expected 0 to be above 0

It seems that it isn’t recognizing your link. I notice that you are using an iframe - that may be the problem.

The test that is failing is this:

      it(`The projects section should contain at least one link to a project.`, function ({
        assert.isAbove(document.querySelectorAll('#projects a').length, 0);

So, it may be that it expects an a as a direct descendant. I notice that if I paste in a link from a different portfolio, it passes.

I noticed that I don’t actually see any of your links rendering on the page, so I went looking for them in the code. It looks like you forgot to close your iframe tags. If you close them you should see your text and should pass the tests.

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