thanks I will do tonight!

Just start doing easiest kata (8kyu) and skip if it’s too complicated. You can always return to katas you tried to solve, but didn’t finish.

Actually i do agree with what @P1xt said,it is futile to keep staring at the question or reading it over and over if you have no idea how to go about it.

I agree that we shouldn’t be judging based solely on how many lines of code it takes to solve an algorithm… @LawlietBlack I wrote a blog post on this yesterday at crookedcode.com and made the same to arguments you did (although, as I said in the post, I think the performance argument is largely semantic).


If you are interested in competitive coding for beginners the best time you can have after completing the FreeCodeCamp Algorithm Challenges is CodeFights… NOT Codewars…

You will be surprised how much Codefights is a better community that responds quickly just like FCC also the website is very easy to navigate and the content is amazing! :smile:



I liked your blog as well as your blog post inspiring me to start a blog of my own.

I will surely give it a try.Thanks for sharing the link.

Thanks, feel free to message me if you have any questions…

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