About the HTML-CSS category

freeCodeCamp a place to learn almost everything on Web/Software Development. Of course HTML and CSS being the first to learn. There are five projects to complete within the HTML and CSS certification after completion you earn a certificate. Happy Coding.
PS : this place is the fcc forum the link above is where you learn to code.

i am confused … is this a place to ask question when your struggling with some topic or s this a online course ?

This place is a forum to ask any questions relating to web development. The link earlier is an online platform to learn how to code using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

You can add

backdrop-filter: blur(4px);


filter: blur(4px);

if you want to blur the navbar

understood :slight_smile: my first question is do you know where i can get free html projects just to practice …to see how much i have learnt

What you can do is think of a project you want to do, then try it out while learning. If you are stuck Google them, or ask them here. I don’t really know where to find html projects challenges anywhere, but you can definitely challenge yourself!!! :slight_smile:

I am having the problem. please tell me how to solve it.

User Story #5: When I click a .nav-link button in the nav element, I am taken to the corresponding section of the landing page

my code

Guys… Hi, Please I need help
So , how to uncomment , or comment ( I really didn’t get a difference yet between those two) in html Lines?
below each line -


and how to include comment text - <!> then


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From your lesson " Basic HTML and HTML5: Comment out HTML

Remember that in order to start a comment, you need to use <!-- and to end a comment, you need to use -->"

Meaning that everything going after <!-- and before --> will be comment out.


to start a comment, you need to use <!--


to end a comment, you need to use -->


  • I see that this is a challenge. Next time if you need a help from a challenge, you can use the Get Help button on the sidebar.
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I just have started my self here. Would you please tell me. Could you be more specific about specialised skills that could be build ? I’m at the beginning of curriculum .

Hi, you are welcome.
Once your are through with typing the html element, all you need do is(Run the test).
It would take you to the next test if successful and if not, you would have to cross check your typed in html element and re-run your test.

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Hello, please i have a problem when i run the test it says (Your submit button should only have the text “Submit”.)

Hello akfolorunsho,

You should be more elaborate with your problem. What test are you running?. You should also use the "Get Help " Button to “Ask for help” in the lesson you’re facing the problem. When you do that a link to the lesson you’re facing the challenge is generated and makes it easier to help you out.

i am running theis test(add a submit button to a form )https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/responsive-web-design/basic-html-and-html5/add-a-submit-button-to-a-form

You should take your time to read and understand the instruction.
The instruction says:

Add a button as the last element of your form element with a type of submit , and “Submit” as its text.

So first you should locate your form tags in the code and place the button element before the closing form tag. In other words your button should be the last element in the form tags.

The instruction also says you should include the type of as ‘submit’ and text as ‘Submit’ to do this just follow the example cited in the lesson page. Hope this helps.

Happy Coding.

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why u make image button ? it looks weird

Hello, I’m new to coding and I’m trying out a challenge.
the message keep showing “you should not change the order of h1, h2 and p elements.”
what does it mean?

Hello @Vhykee
Reset the code and try again. In future use the Get Help button and then Ask a question, with that everyone will know the test you are trying to pass . Helping you out will then be easy .

Happy Coding.

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How do I create box-shadow on the top of a box.