Access Property Names with Bracket Notation

Tell us what’s happening:
I have solved this issue but solution is very ugly
here should be a more simple solution
May somebody could suggest solution with it?

Your code so far
/We’ve defined a function, checkInventory, which receives a scanned item as an argument. Return the current value of the scannedItem key in the foods object. You can assume that only valid keys will be provided as an argument to checkInventory./

let foods = {
  apples: 25,
  oranges: 32,
  plums: 28,
  bananas: 13,
  grapes: 35,
  strawberries: 27
// do not change code above this line

function checkInventory(scannedItem) {
  // change code below this line
return (scannedItem == 'apples')? foods.apples :  (scannedItem == 'oranges')? foods.oranges : 
(scannedItem == 'plums')? foods.plums : (scannedItem == 'bananas')? foods.bananas : (scannedItem == 'apples') ? foods.grapes : foods.strawberries;

// change code below this line to test different cases:

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