I’m actually having trouble defining an easier approach to do this. Initially, my idea is making a function that goes through the entries of path.split(‘.’) and checks if the relative path exists in the dict. If not, I’ll create the entries and finally set the value. If this is the best way, I can do it. I just wanted to check if there’s an easier way.
I end this way (it works), if anyone knows of a more performatic way I would appreciate it.
var __defaultDB = {};
document.querySelectorAll('[data-i18n]').forEach((el)=>{ // iterate over itens on doc
let itemPath = el.dataset.i18n.split('.'); // array with entries
let target = __defaultDB; // pointer for last item on path
for(let i = 0; i < itemPath.length; i++){
if(i == itemPath.length - 1){target[itemPath[i]] = el.innerHTML}
else{target[itemPath[i]] = {}}
target = target[itemPath[i]];