addEventListener and changing background color

The function you supply to the event listener is a callback function, it gets called once addEventListener() deems that it’s appropriate to do so, and it does whatever inside that function exactly as it is written.

Let’s just ignore addEventListener for a moment and consider what this code would do if that’s all the JavaScript in your page: = "red";
console.log(; = "blue";

With this code you would only see a blue background. And that’s it.

It’s not because the first line (change background to red) doesn’t work—it’s simply because it gets changed to red, and then immediately after that, to blue. (Technically, and in this case, I think the JavaScript just keeps running and the browser would only re-render once the script has finished, so you would never actually see red.)

You can verify this by checking the background colour of body in between: = "red";
console.log(; // red = "blue";
console.log(; // blue

For similar reasons, restructuring the code to the second snippet that you posted would produce similar results because, presumably, event listeners are executed in the order they are added to an element. Again, you can verify this by:

var button = document.querySelector("button");

function red(){ = "red";
  console.log(; // red
function blue(){ = "blue";
  console.log(; // blue

button.addEventListener("click", red);
button.addEventListener("click", blue);

The solution, assuming that you want to toggle between red and blue, is to check whether the colour is red or blue:

var button = document.querySelector("button");

button.addEventListener("click", function() {
    const curColour =;

    if (curColour === 'red') { = "blue";
    else { = "red";

By using a ternary operator, you can simply the code above to:

var button = document.querySelector("button");

button.addEventListener("click", function() {
    const curColour =; = curColour === 'red' ? 'blue' : 'red';

I hope that helps!