Administrator, Asperger's, It career


I’m Autist. I have a domain at altushost ( and i’m hoping to learn there. Through cPanel.

cPanel is a tool i encountered on my attempt to Webdesign, and I’ve decided to learn it. And learn everything about … i don’t know what’s it called.

I want to be Administrator. I’m familiar with “forums” as user. Do you have suggestions? Or want to help tell me something?

Edit add: Further i had experience with HTML and CSS. I had also experience with Computer and Electronics. I was not skilled.

Edit: Also, suggest a study plan for me please. I’m 37 BTW.


Here’s a tutorial for cPanel:

Here’s a forum you could find solutions for cPanel problems:

Although, I think it’s something that might be approached better when there’s something you want to accomplish through it. For example:

You want to create a new user, search for “cPanel how to create a new user”. I would approach it on an as needed basis like this, when you need to make changes to your site or domain.

Forum admin:

As a project you could try deploying a forum on your website, if you wanted?


If you want to learn more about coding HTML and CSS you can begin the freeCodeCamp curriculum:
That is a very straightforward path and I would recommend it. You will learn a lot about coding, but not administration really. Coding will help you everywhere in an IT career though.

I hope this helps!

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Welcome to the forum!

I’m a system and cloud administrator and I recommend you to take this free Microsoft course:

You will get an introduction to everything an admin has to know and will deal with ( a lot!), not restricted to Azure btw.

It’s similar at other cloud providers, in Linux and Windows administration and on premise (physical data center).

Note that the course above is free, the exam isn’t.

Best of luck.