Max Profit With K Transactions One Wrong test

I tried to solve it but my solution is wrong with the test number 15
my code

function maxProfitWithKTransactions(pricesArr, k) {
        if(pricesArr.length === 0) return 0;
        var maxProfit = [];
      var buyPrice = 0;
      var sellPrice = 0;
      var buyPriceIndex = 0;
      var changeBuyPrice = true;

      for (var i = 0; i < pricesArr.length; i++) {
        if (changeBuyPrice){
          buyPrice = pricesArr[i];
          buyPriceIndex = i;
          maxProfit[buyPriceIndex] = 0;
        sellPrice = pricesArr[i + 1];

        if (sellPrice < buyPrice) {
          changeBuyPrice = true;
        else {
          var tempProfit = sellPrice - buyPrice;
          if (tempProfit > maxProfit[buyPriceIndex]){
           maxProfit[buyPriceIndex]= tempProfit;
          changeBuyPrice = false;
          }else changeBuyPrice = true;

      return maxProfit.sort((a,b) => a<b).slice(0,k).reduce((a,b)=>a+b);

THE Problems link