Tell us what’s happening:
My code returns the correct responses, but it fails a few of the tests for some reason, and I can’t figure out why.
I looked through a few posts from people who had similar issues, but their solutions didn’t work or did not apply.
Can you help figure out why this is not passing?
Thank you!
Your code so far
// Example inventory lists
const currInv = [
[2, "Hair Pin"],
[3, "Half-Eaten Apple"],
[67, "Bowling Ball"],
[7, "Toothpaste"]
const newInv = [
[21, "Bowling Ball"],
[2, "Dirty Sock"],
[1, "Hair Pin"],
[5, "Microphone"]
function updateInventory(arr1, arr2) {
// loop through each new item and each current item
arr2.forEach(newItem => {
arr1.forEach(curItem => {
// if new item exists in curr inv,
if (curItem[1] === newItem[1]) {
// update curr item price
const newPrice = curItem[0] + newItem[0];
curItem[0] = newPrice;
// remove new item from new inv list
const newItemIndex = arr2.indexOf(newItem);
arr2.splice(newItemIndex, 1);
// add remaining items from arr2 list to current inventory
return arr1;
updateInventory(currInv, newInv);
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Challenge: Algorithms - Inventory Update
Link to the challenge: