Already worked on two categories...(responsive web design)

I already worked on the categories “Building a Nutrition Label” and “Building a Quiz”, but the progress is not saved, I realized. My Antivirus-Programm restarted the computer recently, but that was after my work on those categories. I also had problems with the practice project about the tribute page. There my code was not saved and after I did research about details on another website (selfhtml) and in my notes about the other projects I got back to an empty index.html in the tribute-page-category and had to redo it. Now I better try to do it in VSCode, but this could come across as cheating, when I insert the skript into the freecodecamp-Site, am I right? Do you have any log for my progress to fix this?

no, it will not. You can work on VSCode if that’s what you want