I’m looking for alternatives to Gitpod for my learning projects. Is it possible to run a local server on my machine and share it with others using my public IP address (e.g., http://A.B.C.D:P/)?
If so, what steps do I need to take to set this up securely and efficiently? Are there any recommended tools or platforms for managing this process?
yes its possible
it depends on your project really. but i’ve only use django for my python projects but you can either use node.js or flask or nginx and many more depending on your needs.
A breif guide to get started
chose one framework that suits your need.
There should be a guide on the framework’s docs on how to set it up.
then install and set it up.
After that, you would want to configure your server to listen to a port (this depends on the framework chosen).
example of a localhost that listens to port 3000: http://localhost:3000
Make sure you can access the port and load it on your machine
Find your public ip on windows
ipconfig /all | findstr /i "IPv4 Address"
on linux
curl ifconfig.me
then setup port forwarding via ur router’s settings
afterthat. implements some security configs
This is basically a waterdown and short guide on how to get your local server accessible via public address, like you wanted to.