Android Emulator Oauth Issue


I’m using an Android emulator for react-native expo project on Windows 11 and facing an issue with OAuth integration (Clerk OAuth and app write OAuth) where the flow doesn’t complete:

1 Click on the Google OAuth sign-in button.

2 The Chrome pop-up opens with options to “Continue without signing in” or “Add an account.”

3 When selecting either option, the pop-up that should display the Google OAuth flow to sign in doesn’t load fully or just flickers with Play Store colors.

This issue is preventing the OAuth screen from being displayed to sign in the user.

I searched online but couldn’t find a solution. I need assistance to understand if Google OAuth is disabled on Android emulators and will work once deployed on a physical device. Also, the OAuth flow worked on the Expo web route, which adds to my confusion.

Could someone please help?


Google OAuth can sometimes have problems in emulators, especially if they’re not set up with Google Play Services. It usually works fine on physical devices, though. Try testing on a real device to see if that resolves the issue.

Thank you for the response, just to add from my end. I have already tried signing in on Google chrome on the emulator just to see if it allows to complete the Oauth flow however it didn’t complete and just went gray. Let’s say if it works just fine on physical devices than it shall not be an issue. However, it seems odd and confusing to notice such issue on an emulator. If someone can share any particular android or google statement saying something more specific on the issue can be more helpful