Any advice on how to get website visitors?

I built this game called wordoir, sort of like what i think is better then wordle
I put amazons on it, but i don’t as many visitors, i thought because of people searching for word games due to the effect of wordle, i thought people will find my website too, but it seems like i know not alot about this.
Should i advertise on facebook or what is the best plan?
In about a week ill deploy an app on google play about the game.

Yes, that’s the beginning of all games. You must share it and wait.
And about visitors… there are many games like Call of Duty or Roblox that are more interesting than… wordle.

But if you want visitors, share it (the game) everywhere you can / know.
Facebook is a good idea too. Try sharing on Pinterest. Google Play is perfect. For beginning share it on CodePen as code.

Also if you find interesting things to add to your game, update it. That will keep visitors interested about your game… I don’t have any more ideas… Hope that helps!

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