Appending with += not getting it

Tell us what’s happening: i dont understand i have checked and checked it says that the + append on line 5 is the problem

3 | var someAdjective = “worthwhile”;
4 | var myStr = "Learning to code is ";

5 | var myStr += someAdjective;
help please

Your code so far

// Change code below this line

var someAdjective = "worthwhile";
var myStr = "Learning to code is ";
var myStr += someAdjective;

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Challenge: Appending Variables to Strings

Link to the challenge:

You are close… remember, you only need to declare myStr once!

so, brother, you are doing a mistake in line 5 .
you have to append someAdjective to myStr but you are doing two mistakes

  1. you are declaring a new variable to store it which could be done but no need to do here .
  2. you are declaring a variable with the same name using var which is an error in javascript you can do it with other key word like let also not needed here.

what to do then

var someAdjective = "worthwhile";

var myStr = "Learning to code is ";

myStr += someAdjective;

console.log(myStr)//output: Learning to code is worthwhile

this is going to append the someAdjective with the myStr and also going to store it in the existing myStr variable .

hope this will help . :slightly_smiling_face:

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thank you i did it without this advice. i tried it again with another phrase and it seemed to work. thank you to every one it is greatly appreciated. i think this community is excellent thanks again !

thank you i did it without this advice. i tried it again with another phrase and it seemed to work. thank you to every one it is greatly appreciated. i think this community is excellent thanks again !

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