Applied Visual Design:::Create Texture by Adding a Subtle Pattern as a Background Image

I’m stuck on this one, someone can help me? plsssssss

Your code so far

body {

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Challenge: Create Texture by Adding a Subtle Pattern as a Background Image

Link to the challenge:

Welcome, tiosam.

Here are the instructions:

Using the url of , set the background of the whole page with the body selector.

This is what you put:


Can you see the difference?

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Sorry,but stil I don’t get it !

This is your code:

body { background:url(""); }

So, in your code, you are using the image in this url -->


in the instructiones, the exercise asks for an iamgen that is in this url:
( Using the url of )


you are mixing them!

Thank you for your post, I’m glad that I found this thread. I was doing the exact same thing.