Are there any tutorials on the site about asynchronous functions, promises, DOM?

Why aren’t there any more tutorials on async functions and promises? It was on the site, right? Or does it seem to me?
Sorry, I don’t know which category to put the question in.

You can find a small intro to Promises in the Javascript Algorithm and Data Structures module.
IF you need to search for tutorials, you can use the search box on the top left in the freeCodeCamp website.

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Thank you. There are only articles and videos, but I am interested in the lessons.

Hi before going to asynchronous read this aticle this is very helpful to understand things under the hood.

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async functions, promises and DOM are only scarcly represent here and there throughout the courses. To become more familiar with them, you should look for differen source(the articles are good option)

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Yes, of course, I watch videos and read articles. I just thought there might be some practical bits in addition.

the closest you can get is utilize them while working on the different challenge projects. many of the example projects utilize different techniques to handle http requests, DOM manipulations etc. In many cases i felt lost when initially encountering them, while not being introduced in the lessons, but then its good example of how people handle different tasks

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