Arithmetic Arranger Format Issue

Tell us what’s happening:
I am having trouble getting the formatting for the problem to work. I can get the answers to print and each individual problem formats, but I am having trouble getting each answer on the same line. Any advice is appreciated, thank you!

Your code so far:

def arithmetic_arranger(problems, show_answers=True):
    arranged_problems = []
    if len(problems) > 5:
        print("Error: Too many problems.")
    for problem in problems:
        problem = problem.split(" ")
        op1 = problem[0]
        operand = problem[1]
        op2 = problem[2]
        if operand == "+":
            answer = int(op1) + int(op2)
        elif operand == "-":
            answer = int(op1) - int(op2)
        if operand not in ['+', '-']:
            print("Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'.")
        elif op1.isdecimal() is False or op2.isdecimal() is False:
            print("Error: Numbers must only contain digits.")
        elif len(op1) > 4 or len(op2) > 4:
            print("Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits.")
            op1 = op1.rjust(5)
            op2 = op2.rjust(4)
            answer = str(answer).rjust(5)
        if show_answers is True:
            output = op1 + '\n' + operand + op2 + '\n' + '-----' + '\n' + str(answer).rjust(5) + '\n'
        elif show_answers is False:
            output = op1 + '\n' + operand + op2 + '\n' + '-----' + '\n'

    return arranged_problems

print(arithmetic_arranger(["33 + 55", "2 - 99", "24 + 765", "4 - 8", "9956 + 1"], show_answers=True))

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Challenge: Arithmetic Formatter

Link to the challenge: