Tell us what’s happening:
The first thing i did is made the definition in pycharm. After i thought i was done i pasted it to the replit site to try. The definition worked but i cant seem to get the test mod working. How to show the code i writen? Do i need to publish first in Replit?
Your code so far
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def arithmetic_arranger(problems, answer=False):
# Quits program when there are more then 4 lists in problems
if len(problems) > 4:
print(“Error: Too many problems.”)
# Makes a few lists with every items from the lists in problems
# This to do the necessary checking
listing =
divisions =
list_a =
list_b =
for item in problems:
item2 = item.split()
# checks for appropriate operaters + or -
for div in divisions:
if div == "+" or div == '-':
elif div == '*' or div == '/':
print("Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'.")
else: # didn't need testing but added it
print("Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'.")
# Each number (operand) should only contain digits.
# Adding numbers to list again for calculations
sec_list_numb = []
for ac in listing:
test_a = int(ac)
print("Error: Numbers must only contain digits")
# Checks if the items in listing are max 4 in length
for ab in sec_list_numb:
if ab > 9999:
print("Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits")
# making strings then loop through list_a
answer_line1 = ""
answer_line2 = ""
answer_line3 = ""
answer_line4 = ""
count = 0
for x in list_a:
answer_line1 = answer_line1 + " " + " " * (len(list_b[count]) - len(list_a[count])) + str(x)
# 3 options
if len(list_a[count]) > len(list_b[count]):
answer_line2 = answer_line2 + divisions[count] + " " + " " * (len(list_a[count]) - len(list_b[count])) \
+ list_b[count]
answer_line3 = answer_line3 + "-" * (len(list_a[count]) + 2)
if divisions[count] == "+":
tt = int(list_a[count]) + int(list_b[count])
elif divisions[count] == "-":
tt = int(list_a[count]) - int(list_b[count])
ttt = str(tt)
if len(ttt) > len(list_a[count]):
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " * 2 + ttt
elif len(list_a[count]) == len(list_b[count]):
answer_line2 = answer_line2 + divisions[count] + " " + list_b[count]
answer_line3 = answer_line3 + "-" * (len(list_a[count]) + 2)
if divisions[count] == "+":
tt = int(list_a[count]) + int(list_b[count])
elif divisions[count] == "-":
tt = int(list_a[count]) - int(list_b[count])
ttt = str(tt)
if tt < 0:
if len(ttt) == len(list_a[count]):
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) > len(list_a[count]):
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + ttt
elif len(ttt) < len(list_a[count]):
if len(ttt) == 1:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) == 2:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) == 3:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) == 4:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
if len(ttt) == len(list_a[count]):
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) > len(list_a[count]):
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) < len(list_a[count]):
if len(ttt) == 1:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) == 2:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) == 3:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) == 4:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
# print("2")
elif len(list_a[count]) < len(list_b[count]):
answer_line2 = answer_line2 + divisions[count] + " " + " " * (2 - len(list_b[count])) + list_b[count]
answer_line3 = answer_line3 + "-" * (len(list_b[count]) + 2)
if divisions[count] == "+":
tt = int(list_a[count]) + int(list_b[count])
elif divisions[count] == "-":
tt = int(list_a[count]) - int(list_b[count])
ttt = str(tt)
if tt < 0:
if len(ttt) == len(list_b[count]):
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) > len(list_b[count]):
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + ttt
elif len(ttt) < len(list_b[count]):
if len(ttt) == 1:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) == 2:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) == 3:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) == 4:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
if len(ttt) == len(list_b[count]):
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) > len(list_b[count]):
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) < len(list_b[count]):
if len(ttt) == 1:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) == 2:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) == 3:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
elif len(ttt) == 4:
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " " + ttt
count = count + 1
answer_line1 = answer_line1 + " "
answer_line2 = answer_line2 + " "
answer_line3 = answer_line3 + " "
answer_line4 = answer_line4 + " "
if answer is True: