Arithmetic Formatter: Getting the print output to pass the pytest

Tell us what’s happening:
I am working on my final project for the scientific python course and seem not to be able to get my code to pass the pytest for the string formatting. And would love a pointer in the right direction.

Your code so far

def problems_number_limit_check(my_list: list) -> bool:

    :param my_list:
    :type my_list: list
    :rtype: bool
    if len(my_list) > 5:
        return False
    return True

def operator_check(my_list: list) -> bool:

    :param my_list:
    :type my_list: list
    :rtype: bool
    for i in my_list:
        if '*' in i:
            return False
        if '/' in i:
            return False
    return True

def four_digits_check(my_list: list) -> bool:

    :param my_list:
    :type my_list: list
    :rtype: bool
    for i in my_list:
        back_operand_count = 0
        front_operand_count = 0
        if '+' in i:
                front_operand = i[0:i.index('+') + 1]
                for k in front_operand:
                    if k.isdigit():
                        front_operand_count += 1
                        if front_operand_count > 4:
                            return False
                back_operand = i[i.index('+'):]
                for j in back_operand:
                    if j.isdigit():
                        back_operand_count += 1
                        if back_operand_count > 4:
                            return False
            except ValueError as e_err:
                print(f"Error: 3 Empty list found {e_err}")
                front_operand = i[0:i.index('-') + 1]
                for k in front_operand:
                    if k.isdigit():
                        front_operand_count += 1
                        if front_operand_count > 4:
                            return False
                back_operand = i[i.index('-'):]
                back_operand = i[i.index('-'):]
                for j in back_operand:
                    if j.isdigit():
                        back_operand_count += 1
                        if back_operand_count > 4:
                            return False
            except ValueError as e_err:
                print(f"Error: 2 Empty list found {e_err}")
    return True

def digits_check(my_list: list) -> bool:

    :param my_list:
    :type my_list: list
    :rtype: bool
    for i in my_list:
        for j in i:
            if j.isalpha():
                return False
    return True

def sanity_check(my_list: list) -> bool:

    :param my_list:
    :type my_list: list
    :rtype: bool
    if problems_number_limit_check(my_list):
        if operator_check(my_list):
            if four_digits_check(my_list):
                if digits_check(my_list):
                    return True
    return False

def calculate_the_result(front_operand: int, back_operand: int, operator: str) -> int:

    :param front_operand:
    :type front_operand: int
    :param back_operand:
    :type back_operand: int
    :param operator:
    :type operator: str
    :rtype: int
    if operator == '+':
        return front_operand + back_operand
    return front_operand - back_operand

def extract_digits_helper(item: str) -> list:

    :param item:
    :type item: str
    :rtype: list
    result = []
    if '+' in item:
        front_operand = item[0:item.index('+') + 1]
        back_operand = item[item.index('+'):]
        for j in front_operand:
            if not j.isdigit():
        for k in back_operand:
            if k.isdigit():
        # get the final value and
        # create a tuple from the result list
        result.append(calculate_the_result(result[0], result[1], '+'))
        # add the operator to the result list

        front_operand = item[0:item.index('-') + 1]
        back_operand = item[item.index('-'):]
        for j in front_operand:
            if not j.isdigit():
        for k in back_operand:
            if k.isdigit():
        # get the final value and
        # create a tuple from the result list
        result.append(calculate_the_result(result[0], result[1], '-'))
        # add the operator to the result list
    return result

def extract_digits(my_ls: list):
    problem_solutions = []

    for i in my_ls:
        except ValueError as e_err:
            print(f"Error: 1 Empty list found {e_err}")
    return problem_solutions

def calculate_line(result: dict, master_key: int, front_operand_key: int, back_operand_key: int) -> any:

    :param result:
    :type result: dict
    :param master_key:
    :type master_key: int
    :param front_operand_key:
    :type front_operand_key: int
    :param back_operand_key:
    :type back_operand_key: int
    :rtype: any
    if result.get(master_key):
            if len(str(result[master_key][front_operand_key])) > len(str(result[master_key][back_operand_key])):
                multiplier = len(
                    str(result[master_key][front_operand_key])) + 2
                return "-"*multiplier
            multiplier = len(str(result[master_key][back_operand_key])) + 2
            return "-"*multiplier
        except TypeError as e_err:
            print(f"Error: calculate line error {e_err}")
        return " "

def set_front_operand(result: dict, master_key: int, child_key: int) -> any:

    :param result:
    :type result: dict
    :param master_key:
    :type master_key: int
    :param child_key:
    :type child_key: int
    :rtype: any
    if result.get(master_key):
        return result[master_key][child_key]
    return ' '

def set_result(result: dict, master_key: int, child_key: int) -> any:

    :param result:
    :type result: dict
    :param master_key:
    :type master_key: int
    :param child_key:
    :type child_key: int
    :rtype: any
    if result.get(master_key):
        return result[master_key][child_key]
    return ' '

def set_operator_line(result: dict, master_key: int, front_operand_key, back_operand_key: int, operator_key: int) -> str:

    :param result:
    :type result: dict
    :param master_key:
    :type master_key: int
    :param front_operand_key:
    :param back_operand_key:
    :type back_operand_key: int
    :param operator_key:
    :type operator_key: int
    :rtype: str
    space_multiplier_numbers = {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4}
    if result.get(master_key):
        f_key = len(str(result[master_key][front_operand_key]))
        b_key = len(str(result[master_key][back_operand_key]))
        if f_key > b_key:
            multiplier = f_key - b_key
            return str(result[master_key][operator_key]) + ' '*space_multiplier_numbers[multiplier] + str(result[master_key][back_operand_key])
        return str(result[master_key][operator_key]) + ' ' + str(result[master_key][back_operand_key])
    return ' '

def display_solutions_with_results(solutions: list) -> None:

    :param solutions:
    :type solutions: list
    :rtype: None
    results = {}
    for i, value in enumerate(solutions):
        results[i] = {1: value[0], 2: value[1], 3: value[2], 4: value[3]}

    print(f"{set_front_operand(results, 0, 1):>6}", f"{set_front_operand(results, 1, 1):>6}", f"{set_front_operand(results, 2, 1):>6}", f"{set_front_operand(results, 3, 1):>6}", f"{set_front_operand(results, 4, 1):>6}", sep="    ")
    print(f"{set_operator_line(results, 0, 1, 2, 4):>6}", f"{set_operator_line(results, 1, 1, 2, 4):>6}", f"{set_operator_line(results, 2, 1, 2, 4):>6}", f"{set_operator_line(results, 3, 1, 2, 4):>6}", f"{set_operator_line(results, 4, 1, 2, 4):>6}", sep="    ")
    print(f"{calculate_line(results, 0, 1, 2):>6}", f"{calculate_line(results, 1, 1, 2):>6}", f"{calculate_line(results, 2, 1, 2):>6}", f"{calculate_line(results, 3, 1, 2):>6}", f"{calculate_line(results, 4, 1, 2):>6}", sep="    ")
    print(f"{set_result(results, 0, 3):>6}", f"{set_result(results, 1, 3):>6}", f"{set_result(results, 2, 3):>6}", f"{set_result(results, 3, 3):>6}", f"{set_result(results, 4, 3):>6}", sep="    ")

def display_solutions_without_results(solutions: list) -> None:

    :param solutions:
    :type solutions: list
    :rtype: None
    results = {}
    for i, value in enumerate(solutions):
        results[i] = {1: value[0], 2: value[1], 3: value[2], 4: value[3]}
    print("{:>6}    {:>6}    {:>6}    {:>6}    {:>6}".format(f'{set_front_operand(results, 0, 1)}', f'{set_front_operand(results, 1, 1)}', f'{set_front_operand(results, 2, 1)}', f'{set_front_operand(results, 3, 1)}', f'{set_front_operand(results, 4, 1)}'),
          "{:>6}    {:>6}    {:>6}    {:>6}    {:>6}".format(f"{set_operator_line(results, 0, 1, 2, 4)}", f"{set_operator_line(results, 1, 1, 2, 4)}", f"{set_operator_line(results, 2, 1, 2, 4)}", f"{set_operator_line(results, 3, 1, 2, 4)}", f"{set_operator_line(results, 4, 1, 2, 4)}"),
          "{:>6}    {:>6}    {:>6}    {:>6}    {:>6}".format(f"{calculate_line(results, 0, 1, 2)}", f"{calculate_line(results, 1, 1, 2)}", f"{calculate_line(results, 2, 1, 2)}", f"{calculate_line(results, 3, 1, 2)}", f"{calculate_line(results, 4, 1, 2)}"), sep="\n")

def arithmetic_arranger(my_list: list, result: bool = False) -> any:

    :param my_list:
    :type my_list: list
    :rtype: any
    problem_count = problems_number_limit_check(my_list)
    operator_checker = operator_check(my_list)
    digit_checker = digits_check(my_list)
    digits_count_checker = four_digits_check(my_list)

    if problem_count:
        if operator_checker:
            if digit_checker:
                if digits_count_checker:
                    results = extract_digits(my_list)
                        if result:
                    except TypeError as e_err:
                        print(f"Error: arithmetic arranger error {e_err}")
                    return 'Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits.'
                return 'Error: Numbers must only contain digits.'
            return "Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'."
        return 'Error: Too many problems.'

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Challenge: Arithmetic Formatter

Link to the challenge:

do not use print, your function should return the required output


So like they said earlier, you are supposed to use ‘return’ instead of ‘Print()’ to display your output.

For example:
variable = “First Line” + “\n” + “Second line”
return variable

First line
Second line

1 Like

Thanks finished and passed all tests

Thanks for the great tip!

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