Arithmetic Formatter in Python

[’ 32\n+ 698\n_____\n 730’, ’ 3801\n- 2\n______\n 3799’, ’ 45\n+ 43\n____\n 88’, ’ 123\n+ 49\n_____\n 172’]

I am getting results like this, how can i fix that?

       def arithmetic_arranger(problems, BOOL = True):
if len(problems) > 5:
    return "error1"
    arranged = []
    for problem in problems:
        x = problem.split()
        num1 = x[0]
        num2 = x[2]
        oper = x[1]
        if oper != "+" and oper != "-":
            return "error2+-"

        if not num1.isdigit() or not num2.isdigit():
            return "number contains digits"

            if len(num1) > 4 or len(num2) > 4:
                return "too long"
                if oper == "+":
                    answer = int(num1) + int(num2)
                    answer = int(num1) - int(num2)
                maxim = max(len(num1), len(num2))
                width = maxim + 2
                first_line = str(num1.rjust(width))
                second_line = oper + str(num2.rjust(width - 1))
                third = "_" * width
                forth = str(answer).rjust(width)
                if BOOL:
                    arranged.append(first_line + "\n" + second_line + "\n" + third + "\n" + forth)
                    arranged.append(first_line + "\n" + second_line + "\n" + third)
return arranged

What error messages are you getting exactly? Looking at your code there could be more than one, some of which will contain messages about returning the wromg messages…
Can you also share a link to your replit, so we can try and help you?

yeah, sure!

There is no error message, i just want to get result in right shape

Check the datatype your result and also check the expected datatype.

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