Arithmetic Formatter trivial issue

I am a little bit confused about this:
I just finished [Scientific Computing with Python] course and I am trying to done the first project which is ‘Arithmetic Formatter’, I know it’s a really easy question but should I put the Arithmetic problems or I put an input() method so the user input the values he wants? If it’s like this, how could I make the program understand the values as numbers and count them? (The following code was just some tests so don’t mind about it,)

def art() :
    a = input()
    for s in a :
        c =int(a)
        b = c[0] + c[0]


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Challenge: Arithmetic Formatter

Link to the challenge:

The input() will consider everything you enter as a single line of text - a string.
So you have to think about string-operations when dealing with the input → for example a for-in-loop will go character by character, even if the user put in a number.
And you have to think about making the program robust, adding try-except blocks for every operation that could fail for an input → so if the user put in letters or spaces into a number, you want to catch that.

There are also special methods like “exec” and “eval” which can turn strings into Python-code which can be helpful in some scenarios but also runs the RISK of allowing users to input dangerous code.


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