Arithmetic Formattor Project won't accept my correct solution

Hello, I started python a couple days ago and I finished my Arithmetic Formattor Project. I have been running and editing it inside VS Code, and everything seemed to work perfectly, but it wont pass any of the non-error test cases inside freeCodeCamp. I was wondering if it had to do with that I’m printing all the parts of the answer separately instead of inside one string or if I’m missing something obvious here. Thanks for the help.

def arithmetic_arranger(problems, show_answers=False):
    if len(problems) > 5: # checks that there are five or less problems
        return 'Error: Too many problems.'
    if any('*' in prob or '/' in prob for prob in problems): # checks that only the right operators are used
        return "Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'."
    all_first_number = []
    all_second_number = []
    all_operator = []
    for k in range(len(problems)): # iterates through number of problems
        number = ''
        for char in problems[k]: # iterates through string for the kth problem
            if not char.isdigit() and char != '+' and char != '-' and char != ' ': # checks if theres a bad character
                return 'Error: Numbers must only contain digits'
            if char.isdigit(): # if the character is a digit
                number += char
            if char == '+' or char == '-': # if the character is the operator
                number = ''
    for i in all_first_number: # Checks if any of the first numbers are more than four digits
        if int(i) > 9999: # string -> int
            return 'Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits.'
    for i in all_second_number: # Checks if any of the second numbers are more than four digits
        if int(i) > 9999: # string -> int
            return 'Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits.'
    for j in range(len(problems)): # first number/line formatting
        if len(all_first_number[j]) >= len(all_second_number[j]):
            print("  ", end='')
            for i in range(2 + len(all_second_number[j]) - len(all_first_number[j])):
                print(" ", end='')
        print(all_first_number[j], end='')
        print('    ', end='')
    print('') # new line
    for k in range(len(problems)): # second number and operator line formatting
        print(all_operator[k], end='')
        for j in range(max(len(all_first_number[k]),len(all_second_number[k])) - len(all_second_number[k]) + 1):
            print(" ", end='')
        print(all_second_number[k], end='')
        print("    ", end='')
    print('') # new line
    for j in range(len(problems)): # dash lines and spaces
        for k in range(max(len(all_first_number[j]),len(all_second_number[j])) + 2):
            print('-', end='')
        print('    ',end='')
    if show_answers == True:
        print('') # new line
        for j in range(len(problems)):
            first_int = int(all_first_number[j])
            second_int = int(all_second_number[j])
            answer = eval(f'{first_int} {all_operator[j]} {second_int}')
            for k in range(max(len(all_first_number[j]),len(all_second_number[j])) - len(str(answer)) + 2): # how many spaces needed before answer
                print(" ", end='')
            print(answer, end='')
            print('    ', end='')

What your function returns?

Exactly this. Also, your function needs to return a single string, not print it.