Aviation American Gin Product Landing Page


tell me what you think

The page doesn’t work on mobile and I’m not near a computer right now. However I can offer to use the analyze tool and you’ll see some errors in the html. You can also use the W3C tool which is great for catching errors.

Also if you go to the top and go to settings>html you’ll see a block to <head> stuff. That where it goes and you can remove it from the body.

Thank you. I’ll check it right now

On desktop (1920 x 1080) top menu takes about 30% of screen height. (Also, it is narrower then screen and not centered; don’t know if it is intentional).

edit: One more thing, didn’t notice the text on top of page. It is impossible to see the text, top menu covers it. Check out the screenshot.

Thanks a lot for the feed. I’ll work on it. While I try
I’d appreciate any suggestions on how I can fix it