Ayuda con el desafio Step 14

Cuéntanos qué está pasando:

Tu código hasta el momento

        It wasn't as dramatic as Doc's revelation in Back to the Future. It just occurred to me while I was going for a run. The revelation: the entire curriculum should be a series of projects. Instead of individual coding challenges, we'll just have projects, each with their own seamless series  of tests. Each test gives you just enough information to figure out how to get it to pass. (And you can view hints if that isn't enough.)
        <p class="quote">The entire curriculum should be a series of projects.</p>
        <p class="quote">The entire curriculum should be a series of projects.</p>

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Desafío: Step 14

Enlaza al desafío:

Hola @ValeMtz ,

Ha agregado 2 elementos p, cuando solo debe agregar 1.

El elemento hr es un elemento de cierre automático:

<hr />

Elimine el . al final de su párrafo ya que las pruebas no lo aceptarán.