Hello, I have run my code in Visual Studio Code, it is ok, the logic is correct IMHO. I test with //console.log(allUsers, users[allUsers]); and //console.log(count). Why does it not pass the tests?
BTW Is there anybody here in 2024?
Your code so far
const users = {
Alan: {
online: false
Jeff: {
online: true
Sarah: {
online: false
function countOnline(allUsers) {
// Only change code below this line
let count = 0;
for (allUsers in users) {
if (users[allUsers].online === true) {
return count;
// Only change code above this line
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Challenge Information:
Basic Data Structures - Iterate Through the Keys of an Object with a for…in Statement
You are not using the allUsers parameter correctly. The function is passed the users object when it is called.
Your loop should be someKey in allUsers not allUsers in users the key is a single value, i.e. the key in each of the allUsers objects.
You also need to be careful about your variable names, you are overwriting variables. The allUsers parameter starts out containing the users object, but then you make it a loop variable and overwrite it using the outer users object keys.
const users = {
Alan: {
online: false,
Jeff: {
online: true,
Sarah: {
online: false,
function countOnline(allUsers) {
// users object pass to the function
console.log(allUsers); // { Alan: { online: false }, Jeff: { online: true }, Sarah: { online: false } }
let count = 0;
for (allUsers in users) {
// now allUsers is the keys of the outer users object
console.log(allUsers); // Alan, Jeff, Sarah
if (users[allUsers].online === true) {
return count;
// users object pass to the function