Basic JavaScript - Accessing Nested Arrays

Hello! Could someone explain why ourPets[0].names[1] is “Fluffy”?

  **Your code so far**
const myPlants = [
  type: "flowers",
  list: [
  type: "trees",
  list: [

const secondTree = "";
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Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Accessing Nested Arrays

Link to the challenge:

To clarify: you are talking about code from instructions?

const ourPets = [
    animalType: "cat",
    names: [
    animalType: "dog",
    names: [


ourPets >>> array. It consists of 2 objects.

ourPets[0] >>> first object in this array

names >>> one of the properties of ourPets[0]

ourPets[0].names >>> its an array >>> it consists of 3 strings. these strings have indexes 0, 1, 2 respectively

ourPets[0].names[1] >>> it’s the second string, which is exactly ‘Fluffy’

Then what is the 0 index?

Well, that’s how indexes work.

1st element of array >>> index 0
2nd elem >>> index 1

ourPets[0] >> first element in ourPets array

I mean what is 0 in this case? which one? Because I know what an array is

my_arr = [‘box’, ‘table’, ‘person’]

my_arr[0] >>> 'box'
my_arr[1] >>> 'table'
my_arr[2] >>> 'person'
my_arr = ['box', 'table', 'person']


My apologies – I was just showing that I know what an array is. I am saying that I am confused where the array is here in this example because it looks different lol.

    animalType: "cat",
    names: [
    animalType: "dog",
    names: [

No worries.
It’s an array, it is just written little differently.

For example ourPets[0]? what is the 0 in this case?

    animalType: "cat",
    names: [

In this case, ourPets[0] it’s an object:

Ah ok so that’s where I was confused — It was stated index 0, but I was trying to find WHERE it was indexing it from. Is it cat?

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Got it!

    type: "flowers",
    list: [
    type: "trees",
    list: [

const secondTree = myPlants[1].list

Don’t think so. Cat is a little deeper.
To get cat, we need to write:


animalType is property of ourPets[0]. ‘cat’ is va value of this property

Ok so then what is 0 indexing then?

Or maybe I’m not asking the right question? I see ourPets[0]… so I’m asking myself “what is number 1”?

Same with ourPets[1]. What does 1 index here?

well ourPets is an array, right?

This array has two elements: both of them are objects.



Array can consist of different stuff: numbers, strings, objects, other arrays… Here it’s objects. It may seem a little heavy, this code, I get it, but nothing really fancy here.

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