Basic JavaScript - Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator

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I can’t get that first one. The only difference I can see is the quotation marks, which I tried “escaping” and removing but that doesn’t work.

Any idea how I can fix it? Hopefully it’s not just something that’s staring me in the face :yum:

Your code so far

var mystr= "Good " + "job!"; // It says "Good job!"
var myStr = "I come first. " + "I come second."
var mystr= "Good " + "job!"; // It says "Good job!"
var myStr = "I come first. " + "I come second."

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0

Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator

Link to the challenge:

Hey! Read again what you have to do in your challenge :slight_smile: And check the tests - maybe you are just not typing the right sentences for the challenge? :wink:

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