Basic JavaScript - Passing Values to Functions with Arguments

  1. Create a function called functionWithArgs that accepts two arguments and outputs their sum to the dev console.
  2. Call the function with two numbers as arguments.Tell us what’s happening:
    Describe your issue in detail here.

**Your code so faI have tried so many different ways and now I am completely lost!

function functionWithArgs((a, b), (c, d)) {
  console.log((a, b), (c, d));
functionWithArgs(3, 16);

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Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Passing Values to Functions with Arguments

Link to the challenge:

let us say that i want a function called logNames that takes two arguments, first name and last name.
to create it i would write this

function logNames(first,last) {

then I can call this function like this

logNames(“Hana”, “Bar”);

and the output in the console will be


Hopefully this example will help you understand more what is needed for this exercise.

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thank you, that helped !

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how about this:

mod edit : solution redacted

let add = functionWithArgs(3, 16);


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