Basic JavaScript - Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables

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// Variable declarations
var StUdLyCapVaR;
var properCamelCase;
var TitleCaseOver;

// Variable assignments
PRoperCAmelCAse = "A String";
tITLEcASEoVER = 9000;

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Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables

Link to the challenge:

// Variable declarations
var StUdLyCapVaR;
var properCamelCase;
var TitleCaseOver;

// Variable assignments
PRoperCAmelCAse = “A String”;
tITLEcASEoVER = 9000;

Your problem is in variable assignment here you had declared StUdLyCapVar but while assigned value to STUDLYCAPVAR which is not declared in your code which arise problem to the compiler to understand .There is similar problem with other declared variable tooo have a look on them

It’s my first time in java, but I’m trying to understand, thank you.

No problem everyone starts programming from
0. it will take time to understand but never give up and feel free to ask we will help you as much as we can .

I :face_exhaling: :face_exhaling: still don’t understand sorry

Okay let me give you example javascript compiler is language independent. There for ABC,
Abc, abc, aBC,aBc, all are different when we declare them .for compiler these word are totally different but not for human .Hence here in

// Variable declarations
var StUdLyCapVaR;
var properCamelCase;
var TitleCaseOver;

// Variable assignments
PRoperCAmelCAse = “A String”;
tITLEcASEoVER = 9000;
Here there is declared StUdLyCapVaR and you had assigned value to STUDLYCAPVAR . Which is totally different for the compiler when it will read it. Therefore make assignments variable exactly same as declared variable by words if you want your code to work

Please tell me if it works or not

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