Basic Node and Express - Implement a Root-Level Request Logger Middleware

Tell us what’s happening:
I added this code at the beginning of the code, after the require but it is still not passing the test

  console.log(req.method + " " + req.path + " - " + req.ip);

Your project link(s)

solution: localhost:3000

Challenge: Basic Node and Express - Implement a Root-Level Request Logger Middleware

Link to the challenge:

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Post a link to a GitHub repo with all your code. We can’t really debug this just based on the code you posted.

But the code you posted is passing for me with my own setup on Replit.

That’s repository for the part “Basic Node and Express”, I already completed the rest of the tests, only this one remain to be completed.

FreeCodeCampCourses/boilerplate-express-main at main · Gabriellqe/FreeCodeCampCourses (

Try explicitly using IPv4

Add to server.js at the top of the file.

const dns = require('dns');

More info


Thanks with this pass the test!

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