Best practice to return values from a inside a promise?

I have code that returns four values from the TikTok API. I can console log the results, but I’m not sure how to return them, so I can display them as HTML. I have the JS written to display the result to the DOM.

var treeVidCount = 23; document.getElementById("text-node").innerHTML = There are ${treeVidCount} tree planting videos on TikTok today. `

treeVidCount is hardcoded at 23 for now, but Iwant to use real TikTok API values.

I don’t think I can access the result from outside the promise. Where do I write return, in order to access the videoCount or viewCount? Or, how can I reduce result.challengeInfo.stats.videoCount to single variable, videoCount?

.then(result => console.log(result.challengeInfo.stats.videoCount, result.challengeInfo.stats.viewCount))

Codepen here. The API key is disabled, but the code successfully logs to the console:

.then(result => {
  // render to DOM here, where the console log is, like:
document.querySelector(".someElement").innerHTML = result.valueYouWantToRender;

That’s a clean and quick way of doing it, from inside the promise. Cheers. BTW, why does your code have color syntax?

Is there another way I can turn result.challengeInfo.stats.videoCount into a single variable?

I think the highlighter just guessed correctly, but if you write the first line of backticks with the language specified it’ll force it:


Re turning it into a single variable, can you show me an example of what you want it to look like?

backticks, of course. I indented with four spaces, like Stack Overflow, but that won’t activate colors.

Single variable, I was thinking of something like:

let treeVidCount = result.challengeInfo.stats.videoCount

document.getElementById("text-node").innerHTML = ` There are ${treeVidCount} tree planting videos on TikTok today. `

This would give me more freedom to access the variable in the outer scope.

I tried the querySelector code. Not sure if I made a syntax error, because it returns an object error. I’ll leave the API key public for a couple of hours until I fix this. Feel free to try the codepen:

No harm. DanCouper’s answer is the cleanest and quickest, I’ll use that. I just wondered what the other options were for future reference. Defining a separate function would work too.

I left a codepen in my previous post. Still trying to get the code to work.

The selector should be "#text-node" (it’s an id).

document.querySelector("#text-node").innerHTML = result.challengeInfo.stats.viewCount

Ha. Got it. Cheers. I knew it was an id, but forgot the hash symbol. Code’s working now.

Thanks everyone for the speedy and helpful responses.

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