Best way to approach this situation?

Has anyone taken a job feeling a little bit under qualified? How do you get over the fear of trying not to fail. How do you get over doubting yourself? Did you take the opportunity and just roll with your decision? I’m currently struggling with this decisions. Leaving a comfort zone where I can continue to slowly learn, for an opportunity where I will make an impact and pretty much all eyes on me to give results. Giving results is what scares me the most. I’m so scared of failing. Any feedback from being in a similar situation is well appreciated.

It’s called “imposter syndrome” @Liz-Coder and I’m sure everyone goes through it. I know I have even when I’ve been in a position for 10+ years.
You were hired because the company believed you had the skills. You were hired because you do have the skills. Don’t become complacent because you got the job, keep on learning and growing.
Don’t be scared to fail. When you do, learn from it. Everyone you’ll be working with has been there and they’re not sitting in judgement of you and they’re not hoping that you’ll fail. You are a valued member of the team.

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Thank you so much for your words and encouragement.

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