Beta.FreeCodeCamp Issues

Hello All,

I am having browser issues with the Beta version of FreeCodeCamp on my work PC and am wondering if you know if there are settings that I may need to change. None of the links in the webpage seem to be working for me and the area where you normally type your code is a black box that has a white line that moves horizontally across it (see photo). Let me know if you have any thoughts why this is happening. As an FYI, the none Beta version of FreeCodeCamp works fine and the Beta version works on my Iphone. I am in Internet Explorer.


Thanks for being a beta tester. If there isn’t one already, please create a detailed GitHub Issue.

Yes! I am having the same problem!
did you put in a GitHub issue/ have any more information on this?
mines been like this for at least 48 hours!

i am on a mac though and using chrome!