Hi folks,
I’m trying to animate an image on my web page. The image sits above a paragraph div. When I implement the javascript function to make the image blink, the paragraph div moves up - within the part of the interval where the image blinks off. How can I avoid this? Thanks in advance for your help!
This is my Code Pen link here: https://codepen.io/IDCoder/pen/LrQRrw
This is my javascript code:
/*............................make robot hand blink................ */
/* this blinking function doesn't work good enough for my intentions....
var element = $("#up");
var shown = true;
setInterval(toggle, 700);
function toggle() {
if(shown) {
shown = false;
} else {
shown = true;
And here is the corresponding HTML
<div class="col-md-3" id="additional1">
<div class="robot" id="up"><img src='//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/original/3X/b/f/bf1f556e6989fa75f95e95bb2bd1e16d41024ace.jpg' width="100" height="213"></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>Every single business belongs on the internet, every last one of them! The internet is a medium by which people in the farthest corners of the world can see you - who you are and what you are about.</p>