Book OOP -Search

Hi everybody, this is my first post!!!
I ask help to search a book that explains OOP concepts in simple way in whichever languages.
I want only understand how to use OOP in my future projects.
(Sorry for my English, but I’m not native English )

If you know Java, then is probably a good choice. The patterns apply to all object oriented languages though.


Hi @camcode, you might want to try this teacher and especially the Git course. There is some OOP js in there as well.

That might also help you with your apprenticeship as you mentioned in your other post.

FCC is a great place to learn to code, but I need to learn in different ways and from different angles to really understand it.
This guy, Brad Schiff, is a great teacher. Somehow he makes it sound like normal language when he explains code.

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Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby by Sandi Metz is excellent. She also wrote 99 Bottles of OOP recently, which is also excellent. She’ll also send you a copy of the latter if you send her a nice postcard. Sandi Metz is awesome, would totally recommend her stuff, she has a lot of v good talks up in various places on YouTube as well.