Bug in "Basic Javascript - Manipulate arrays with shift()"

Hello there, I would like to report a problem with the challenge task. This is the current code:

// Example
var ourArray = ["Stimpson", "J", ["cat"]];
removedFromOurArray = ourArray.shift();
// removedFromOurArray now equals "Stimpson" and ourArray now equals ["J", ["cat"]].

// Setup
var myArray = [["John", 23], ["dog", 3]];

// Only change code below this line.
var removedFromMyArray;

Even when the user types in the correct answer, they will get the error message removedFromOurArray is not defined in the console.

Hence, please update the challenge task code to be:

// Example
var ourArray = ["Stimpson", "J", ["cat"]];
var removedFromOurArray = ourArray.shift();
// removedFromOurArray now equals "Stimpson" and ourArray now equals ["J", ["cat"]].

// Setup
var myArray = [["John", 23], ["dog", 3]];

// Only change code below this line.
var removedFromMyArray;