Build a Cash Register Project - Build a Cash Register

Tell us what’s happening:

I am not able to pass the last check of the Cash Register Project, although my code generate the exact same output required.

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Build a Cash Register Project - Build a Cash Register

it’s bugged, you can follow the progression on fixing the issue here: New Cash Register Project test bug · Issue #52688 · freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp · GitHub

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It s still bugged!!!

yes, it’s difficult it’s going to be resolved in 2 hours

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you can try use my code to fix it. let price = 19.5;
let cid = [
[“PENNY”, 0.5],
[“NICKEL”, 0],
[“DIME”, 0],
[“QUARTER”, 0],
[“ONE”, 0],
[“FIVE”, 0],
[“TEN”, 0],
[“TWENTY”, 0],
const notes = [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 1, 5, 10, 20, 100];

const cashInput = document.getElementById(“cash”);
const changeDue = document.getElementById(“change-due”);
const purchaseBtn = document.getElementById(“purchase-btn”);

const makePurchase = () => {
let cash = Number(cashInput.value);

if (!cash) {
changeDue.textContent = “”;

switch (true) {
case cash < price:
alert(“Customer does not have enough money to purchase the item”);
case cash === price:
changeDue.textContent = “No change due - customer paid with exact cash”;
let change = cash * 100 - price * 100;
let depletedNumberOfNotes = 0;
let changeDueTextContent = “”;

  for (let i = notes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (cid[i][1] === 0) depletedNumberOfNotes++;

    const note = notes[i] * 100;
    const numberOfNotesToReturn = Math.trunc(change / note);
    if (!numberOfNotesToReturn) continue;

    const cashAmountOfNotesInCashDrawer = cid[i][1] * 100;
    if (!cashAmountOfNotesInCashDrawer) continue;

    const cashToReturnFromNote = Math.min(
      numberOfNotesToReturn * note,

    if (cashToReturnFromNote > 0) {
      const cashToSubstract = cashToReturnFromNote / 100;
      cid[i][1] -= cashToSubstract;
      if (cid[i][1] === 0) depletedNumberOfNotes++;
      changeDueTextContent += `${cid[i][0]}: $${cashToSubstract} `;
      change -= cashToReturnFromNote; // change % note;

  if (change) {
    changeDueTextContent = "Status: INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS";
  } else if (depletedNumberOfNotes === cid.length) {
    changeDueTextContent = "Status: CLOSED " + changeDueTextContent;
    // Status: CLOSED QUARTER: $0 DIME: $0 NICKEL: $0 PENNY: $0.5
  } else {
    changeDueTextContent = "Status: OPEN " + changeDueTextContent;

  changeDue.textContent = changeDueTextContent;


purchaseBtn.addEventListener(“click”, makePurchase);

Is there any update regarding this bug?

the fix has been merged, the next deployment of the site will bring the fix to the live website

hi sir, can I ask when will the next deployment of the site bring the fix? I am very would like to get my certificate.

I also facing with the same last error, even though my
actual and expected output is the same and test should pass but it fails with error
element should be Status: CLOSED QUARTER: $0 DIME: $0 NICKEL: $0 PENNY: $0.5`

expected output 'Status: CLOSED QUARTER: $0 DIME: $0 NICKEL: $0 PENNY: $0.5' 
actual output 'Status: CLOSED QUARTER: $0 DIME: $0 NICKEL: $0 PENNY: $0.5'

I have the same problem and am assuming its the bug that was reported earlier that hasn’t been fixed yet. Just in case - there is a backtick after 0.5 in your error question - could that possibly be it?

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