Tell us what’s happening:
My code should pass all the tests because all the tests are passing (when i try them manually) but i have no idea why it doesnt pass when i try to run the tests
Your code so far
const cash = document.getElementById('cash');
let price = document.getElementById('price');
const purchaseBtn = document.getElementById('purchase-btn');
const changeDueElement = document.getElementById('change-due');
const cidItems = document.querySelectorAll('.cid-item');
let cid = [
['PENNY', 1.01],
['NICKEL', 2.05],
['DIME', 3.1],
['QUARTER', 4.25],
['ONE', 90],
['FIVE', 55],
['TEN', 20],
['TWENTY', 60],
['ONE HUNDRED', 100],
const getTotalCid = () => {
let totalCid = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < cid.length; i++) {
totalCid += cid[i][1];
return totalCid;
function combineCurrencies(changeArray) {
const resultArray = [];
// Iterate through each sub-array in changeArray
changeArray.forEach(subArray => {
const [currency, unitValue] = subArray;
// Check if the currency already exists in resultArray
const existingCurrency = resultArray.find(item => item[0] === currency);
if (existingCurrency) {
// If the currency exists, update its unit value
existingCurrency[1] += unitValue;
} else {
// If the currency doesn't exist, add a new entry to resultArray
resultArray.push([currency, unitValue]);
return resultArray;
const calculateChangeDue = () => {
let result = '';
let priceValue = parseFloat(price.textContent);
let cashValue = parseFloat(cash.value);
const currencyUnit = {
'PENNY': 0.01,
'NICKEL': 0.05,
'DIME': 0.1,
'QUARTER': 0.25,
'ONE': 1,
'FIVE': 5,
'TEN': 10,
'TWENTY': 20,
let change = cashValue - priceValue;
let totalCid = getTotalCid();
if (cashValue < priceValue) {
alert('Customer does not have enough money to purchase the item');
} else if (cashValue === priceValue) {
result = 'No change due - customer paid with exact cash'
} else {
let changeArray = [];
for (let i = cid.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
const cidName = cid[i][0];
let cidValue = cid[i][1];
const unitValue = currencyUnit[cidName];
while (parseFloat(change.toFixed(2)) >= unitValue && cidValue > 0) {
change = parseFloat((change - unitValue).toFixed(2));
cidValue = parseFloat((cidValue - unitValue).toFixed(2));
changeArray.push([cidName, unitValue]);
totalCid = parseFloat((totalCid - unitValue).toFixed(2));
let finalArray = combineCurrencies(changeArray);
if (parseFloat(change.toFixed(2)) > 0) {
result = 'Status: INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS';
} else if (change === 0 && totalCid === 0) {
result = 'Status: CLOSED ' + => `${arr[0]}: $${arr[1]}`).join(' ');
} else if (change === 0 && totalCid > 0) {
result = 'Status: OPEN ' + => `${arr[0]}: $${arr[1]}`).join(' ');
changeDueElement.textContent = result;
purchaseBtn.addEventListener('click', calculateChangeDue);
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Challenge Information:
Build a Cash Register Project - Build a Cash Register