Build a Cash Register

I’m having a problem with the last scenario:
When price is less than the value in the #cash element, total cash in drawer cid is equal to change due, and the #purchase-btn element is clicked, the value in the #change-due element should be "Status: CLOSED" with change due in coins and bills sorted in highest to lowest order.

I thought I had already met the user story by sorting the change array. Excerpt of my code:

    if (changeDue === totalCid) {
        const sortedCid = cid.slice().sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]);
        return { status: "CLOSED", change: sortedCid };

Full code:

const sale = document.getElementById("purchase-btn");
const change = document.getElementById("change-due");

let price = 10;
document.getElementById("priceDisplay").innerHTML = `I am selling you something that costs $${price}.`;
let cid = [
["PENNY", 1.01], ["NICKEL", 2.05], ["DIME", 3.1], ["QUARTER", 4.25], ["ONE", 90], ["FIVE", 55], ["TEN", 20], ["TWENTY", 60], ["ONE HUNDRED", 100]

let currencyUnits = [
    ['PENNY', .01],
    ['NICKEL', .05],
    ['DIME', .1],
    ['QUARTER', .25],
    ['ONE', 1],
    ['FIVE', 5],
    ['TEN', 10],
    ['TWENTY', 20],
    ['ONE HUNDRED', 100]

sale.addEventListener('click', () => {
    const cashValue = parseFloat(cash.value); //convert input from sting to number
    const changeDue = cashValue - price;

    if (cashValue < price) {
        alert("Customer does not have enough money to purchase the item");
    if (cashValue === price) {
        change.innerText = "No change due - customer paid with exact cash"

    const changeResult = getChange(changeDue, cid);

    if (changeResult.status === "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS" || changeResult.status === "CLOSED") {
        change.innerText = `Status: ${(changeResult.status)} ${formatChange(changeResult.change)}`
    } else {
        change.innerText = `Status: OPEN ${formatChange(changeResult.change)}`;

});//End of event listener

const getChange = (changeDue, cid) => {
    let totalCid = parseFloat(cid.reduce((sum, [_, amount]) => sum + amount, 0).toFixed(2)); //Calculate how much change there is in the cash register, need to convert the string to a number
    console.log("Total CID:", totalCid);

    if (totalCid < changeDue) {
    return {status: "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS", change: []}

    let changeArray = [];
    let remainingChange = parseFloat(changeDue);

    for (let i = currencyUnits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    let unit = currencyUnits[i][0]; // Iterate through cid starting from the largest value
    let unitValue = currencyUnits[i][1]; // What is the actual value
    let unitInDrawer = cid[i][1]; // How much of this value do i have in the cash register

    if (unitValue <= remainingChange && unitInDrawer > 0) {
        let amountFromUnit = 0;

        while (remainingChange >= unitValue && unitInDrawer > 0) {
            remainingChange = (remainingChange - unitValue).toFixed(2);
            unitInDrawer -= unitValue;
            amountFromUnit += unitValue;

        if (amountFromUnit > 0) {
            changeArray.push([unit, amountFromUnit]);
} // End of for loop

    if (remainingChange > 0) {
        return {status: "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS", change: []}

    if (changeDue === totalCid) {
        const sortedCid = cid.slice().sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]);
        return { status: "CLOSED", change: sortedCid };

    return {status: "OPEN", change: changeArray}

};//End of getChange

const formatChange = changeArray => {
    return changeArray
        .filter(([unit, amount]) => amount > 0)  // Filter out denominations with zero amount
        .map(([unit, amount]) => {
            // Format the amount to remove trailing zeroes after the decimal point
            let formattedAmount = amount.toString();
            if (formattedAmount.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
                formattedAmount = formattedAmount.replace(/\.?0+$/, ''); // Remove trailing zeros
            return `${unit}: $${formattedAmount}`;
        .join(" ");  // Join them into a single string

type or paste code here

It’s ok i figured it out.