Build a Pokémon Search App Project - Build a Pokémon Search App

Tell us what’s happening:

I’m trying to extract the Pokemon “type” from the{name-or-id} endpoint.

I have already converted the url to json, and the data for Pokemon “type” is as follows (i.e. for Pikachu):

types: [ { slot: 1, type: [Object] } ]

I do not see any useful information in this data. How do I access the data that will actually say the Pokemon types?

Your code so far

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Build a Pokémon Search App Project - Build a Pokémon Search App

you could try to see what’s inside the type property

what’s your code for this project?

//Declare Variables

const searchInput = document.getElementById('search-input');
const searchBtn = document.getElementById('search-button');
const pokemonName = document.getElementById('pokemon-name');
const pokemonId = document.getElementById('pokemon-id');
const weight = document.getElementById('weight');
const height = document.getElementById('height');
const sprite = document.getElementById('sprite-div');
const typesElement = document.getElementById('types');
const hp = document.getElementById('hp');
const attack = document.getElementById('attack');
const defense = document.getElementById('defense');
const spAttack = document.getElementById('special-attack');
const spDefense = document.getElementById('special-defense');
const speed = document.getElementById('speed');
const pokeApiProxy = "";

//Search Function

const search = async (name, id) => {
    try {
      const res = await fetch(pokeApiProxy);
      const data = await res.json();
      const { results } = data;
      for (let i=0; i < results.length; i++) {
        if (data.results[i].name === searchInput.value.toLowerCase() || data.results[i].id == searchInput.value) {
        const resDetails = await fetch(`${pokeApiProxy}/${searchInput.value.toLowerCase()}`);
        const pokemonDetails = await resDetails.json();
        pokemonName.textContent =; //
        pokemonId.textContent = `#${}`;
        //Update Results Window
        weight.textContent = `Weight: ${pokemonDetails.weight}`
        height.textContent = `Height: ${pokemonDetails.height}`
        sprite.innerHTML = `<img id="sprite" src="${pokemonDetails.sprites.front_default}" alt="Pokémon Avatar" />`;
        typesElement.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous content
        //Update Stats Table
        hp.textContent = pokemonDetails.stats[0].base_stat;
        attack.textContent = pokemonDetails.stats[1].base_stat;
        defense.textContent = pokemonDetails.stats[2].base_stat;
        spAttack.textContent = pokemonDetails.stats[3].base_stat;
        spDefense.textContent = pokemonDetails.stats[4].base_stat;
        speed.textContent = pokemonDetails.stats[5].base_stat;
  } catch (err) {

//Add Event Listener

searchBtn.addEventListener("click", search);

Looking at an example of that you should totally look inside that property


(I looked at the value opening the API in the browser)

Oh! How do I “look inside”?

For me, this is all I see

types: [ { slot: 1, type: [Object] } ]

use console.log and the browser console to explore the data

I’m trying to use this code to access the types but the console says that pokemonTypes is undefined

let pokemonTypes = pokemonDetails.types.type;

pokemonDetails.types is an array of objects, you are missing something to get inside this array

Ah, I got it! Thanks. I’m curious why the console displayed

type: [Object]

Instead of what the object actually is which is:

{ name: 'electric', url: '' }

the freeCodeCamp console it’s not a full fledged console, and it has limitations, use the browser console for all the features

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