Tell us what’s happening:
Hello ! I can’t figure out why my code isn’t passing the following test :
“When the #search-input element contains the value Pikachu and the #search-button element is clicked, the values in the #pokemon-name, #pokemon-id, #weight, #height, #hp, #attack, #defense, #special-attack, #special-defense, and #speed elements should be PIKACHU, #25 or 25, Weight: 60 or 60, Height: 4 or 4, 35, 55, 40, 50, 50, and 90, respectively.”
And the similar ones, even if when I run manually the code, it works
Your code so far
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
<title> PokéAPI Proxy</title>
<h1> Pokédex </h1>
<div id="search">
<form onsubmit="return false">
<input type="text" id="search-input" placeholder="Pokemon" required>
<button type="submit" id="search-button">Attrapez-les tous ! </button>
<div id="card">
<div id="main-info">
<div id="pokemon-name"></div>
<div id="pokemon-id"></div>
<div id="pokemon_avatar"></div>
<div id="pokemon-detail">
<div id="weight"></div>
<div id="height"></div>
<div id="types"></div>
<div id="hp"></div>
<div id="attack"></div>
<div id="defense"></div>
<div id="special-attack"></div>
<div id="special-defense"></div>
<div id="speed"></div>
<div id="pokemon-stats">
made by I.A
<script src="script.js"></script>
const searchButton = document.getElementById("search-button");
async function seek(recherche){
const url = `${recherche}`
try {
const r = await fetch(url)
throw new Error("Cannot connect to the pokemon library")
return r.json()
} catch(error){
alert("Pokemon not found")
throw new Error("Pokémon not found");
async function search(){
const searchInput= document.getElementById("search-input").value
const numSearch = parseFloat(searchInput);
let recherche;
recherche = searchInput.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + searchInput.substring(1)
} else{
recherche = numSearch;
const data = await seek(recherche);
const inPage=(data)=>{
function renderData(data){
const divCard=document.getElementById("card");
const { base_experience, height, id, name, order, sprites, stats, types, weight } = data;
const {back_default, front_default}= sprites;
const [{ base_stat: stat1 }, { base_stat: stat2 }, { base_stat: stat3 }, { base_stat: stat4 }, { base_stat: stat5 }, { base_stat: stat6 }] = stats;
const pokemonId= document.getElementById("pokemon-id");
pokemonId.innerHTML=` #${id}`;
const pokemonName = document.getElementById("pokemon-name");
pokemonName.innerHTML= `${name.toUpperCase()}`;
const pokemonHeight = document.getElementById("height");
pokemonHeight.innerHTML=` Height: ${height}`;
const pokemonWeight = document.getElementById("weight");
pokemonWeight.innerHTML=`Weight: ${weight}`;
const pokemonSpritesFront = document.getElementById("pokemon_avatar");
pokemonSpritesFront.innerHTML=`<img id="sprite" src="${front_default}" alt ="${name} avatar">`;
const typeNames = =>;
const pokemonType = document.getElementById("types");
pokemonType.innerHTML = "";
typeNames.forEach((typeName) => {
pokemonType.innerHTML += `${typeName.toUpperCase()}<br>`;
const baseStats = ["HP:","Attack:","Defense:","Special-Attack:","Special-Defense:","Speed:"];
const statsArray = => stat.base_stat);
const pokemonStats = document.getElementById("pokemon-stats");
let statsHTML="<table><tr><td> Base </td><td> Stats </td></tr>";
statsArray.forEach((stat, index)=>{
const base = baseStats[index];
statsHTML += `<tr><td id="${base.toLowerCase().slice(0,-1)}">${base}</td><td>${stat}</td></tr>`
statsHTML += "</table>";
pokemonStats.innerHTML= statsHTML;
searchButton.addEventListener('click', search);
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Challenge Information:
Build a Pokémon Search App Project - Build a Pokémon Search App