Build a Pyramid Generator - Build a Pyramid Generator

Tell us what’s happening:

although the output seems right to me , I keep receiving this message: 3. pyramid(“o”, 4, false) should return “\n o\n ooo\n ooooo\nooooooo\n”.
4. pyramid(“p”, 5, true) should return “\nppppppppp\n ppppppp\n ppppp\n ppp\n p\n”.

Your code so far

function pyramid(pattern,count,bool) {

let rows = [];
let result = "";

function rowBuilder(rowNum) {
return " ".repeat(count-rowNum)+pattern.repeat(2*rowNum-1);

for (let i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
  if(bool){  rows.push(rowBuilder(i));}
  else {rows.unshift(rowBuilder(i));}

for (const row of rows) {
  result += "\n"+ row;
return result;

console.log(pyramid("o", 5, false));

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Build a Pyramid Generator - Build a Pyramid Generator

Have you manually tested what the returned string for those two cases is? When I do, it doesn’t look like the requested result.

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What does your function return, for comparison?