Tell us what’s happening:
always saying
14. You should return the winner of the game based on who won the most rounds.
Your code so far
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const hand = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'];
let humanScore = 0;
let computerScore = 0;
const getComputerChoice = () => {
const computerChoice = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 1)
switch (computerChoice) {
case 1:
return "rock";
case 2:
return "paper";
case 3:
return "scissors";
const getHumanChoice = () => {
// const choice = prompt("Rock, Paper, or Scissors?")
while (!hand.includes(choice)) {
// choice = prompt("Invalid choice! Please enter Rock, Paper, or Scissors:");
return choice;
const playRound = (humanChoice, computerChoice) => {
const human = humanChoice.toLowerCase();
const computer = computerChoice;
const youWin = `You win! ${human} beats ${computer}`;
const youLose = `You lose! ${computer} beats ${human}`;
if (human === computer) {
return "It's a tie!"
if (
(human === "rock" && computer === "scissors") ||
(human === "paper" && computer === "rock") ||
(human === "scissors" && computer === "paper")
) {
return youWin;
} else {
return youLose;
const playGame = () => {
let rounds = 3;
for (let i = 1; i = rounds; i++) {
const humanChoice = getHumanChoice();
const computerChoice = getComputerChoice();
playRound(humanChoice, computerChoice);
if (humanScore > computerScore) {
return "You win the game!";
} else {
return "You lose the game!";
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Challenge Information:
Build a Rock Paper Scissor Game - Build a Rock Paper Scissors Game