In the for loop, Roman Numerals are repeating more than 4 times. I created an if statement to fix it but can’t seem to get through. Here is my code.
const input = document.getElementById('number');
const convertBtn = document.getElementById('convert-btn');
const output = document.getElementById('output');
const arabicToRoman = () => {
let romanNum = "";
const romanArabic = {
M: 1000,
CM: 900,
D: 500,
CD: 400,
C: 100,
XC: 90,
L: 50,
XL: 40,
X: 10,
IX: 9,
V: 5,
IV: 4,
I: 1
//Editable region
for (let key in romanArabic) {
const value = romanArabic[key];
let number = parseInt(input.value);
while (number >= value) {
number -= value;
romanNum += key;
if(key++ >3){break}
output.textContent = romanNum;
const convert = () => {
if (input.value === "") {
output.textContent = "Please enter a valid number";
} else if (parseInt(input.value) === -1) {
output.textContent = "Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1";
} else if (parseInt(input.value) >= 3999) {
output.textContent = "Please enter a number less than or equal to 3999";
} else {
convertBtn.addEventListener("click", convert);